Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Conditioning Theories - Chaining

Chapter 2 Conditioning Theories talks about chaining and it sites a few examples such as riding a bicycle. Does this mean that the learner is doing several actions or items simultaneously without necessarily thinking about each? Can anyone clarify this topic for me? 

1 comment:

  1. I think so. The example refers to an accomplished rider. This means that the rider already learned the acts required to perform the skill of riding the bike and can now ride it automatically or without thinking about it. I would compare it to when we first learn to drive, at first we have to think about what we are doing and would most likely not have been able to answer the phone while we were learning to drive. After we successfully learn to drive, we can answer the phone while driving, make a stop, turn our blinkers or the wipers at the same time and we are able to do the driving automatically without really giving it much thought.
