Monday, March 7, 2011

Shall we play a game?

In Chapter 7 Cognition and Instruction it talks about using simulations and games as a way to get children engaged (motivated) in learning while still allowing them to have fun in their classes. Simulations and Computer games are usually problem based therefore are extremely helpful in the development of long term learning. Simulations can involve the use of social skills and deal with conditions that can change helping the student with critical thinking skills. Although most video and computer games aren’t associated with educational value there are some that have something of value to teach, guide and grow the interest of kids both inside and outside of the classroom. Our EMS Program uses computer simulation to teach on a daily bases. It allows for our students to practice and develop their skills with help from a computer guided manikin before going out and performing them on real live patients. Does anyone else use simulations and/or games in the classroom? Does anyone feel that they should not be used in a classroom setting?    


  1. Games whether its hand held computer based or console all involve interaction. They stimulate the mind and body to work as one. Games let old and young alike explore new boundaries. In the game World of Warcraft Green and Hannon,discussed the skills involved in being a guildmaster they involve:
    * attracting, evaluating, and recruiting new members
    * creating apprenticeship programs
    * orchestrating group strategy
    * managing disputes
    With all this interaction do students really learn? In my opinion I think they do.For example several players have to unite and help each other out so they can achieve the most points. The mind is being utilized as new challenges await each step of the way as the hero tries to save the planet.

  2. I tutor 3rd grade students at my campus and have found that allowing students to play math games on the computer to be benifical. The students are still learning and they are more attentive when playing a math game on the internet. On another note, last semister I took a class where we would meet in second life, a virtual world. I meet some professor and people that worked with utb. We traveled to different universities and learn how they used second life at there campus. An interesting thing I discovered was that they had created a morgue where students could work on dead bodies in a virtual world. Second Life if used right could be used as a great tool for students to learn from where you could create your own world of learning.

  3. I'm not currently a teacher but I believe games are a great tool to keep students interested in learning. Anything teachers can do to make their classroom fun and innovative are a sure way to keep children on task and learning. Children now a days are so advanced that the old fashion traditional learning practices are a sure way to lose the child's attention. We must be willing to move with the times and use anything and everything possible including technology in the classroom.

  4. When I have taught, I always used simulation and games to reinforce the lesson I was teaching. Through the games the students were able to gain a deeper understanding of the concept, and how it works in examples. With research showing that students are needing to be taught in shorter segments to maintain their attention, games and simulations provide the interaction needed to keep their interest after the lesson has been taught.

  5. I have to say that I use a product called Music Ace and it does a great job of teaching some of the most challenging concepts for non musicians. Theory is difficult for anyone at any age and yet with the aid of this computer program the kids are getting the concepts while having fun.
